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19 Resources That Will Make You Better at Home Buying
Home buying is at the top of your list. It may sound easy. After all, what do you have to do? Look online, schedule...
Considering Rental Property As A First Time Homeowner
Looking for an affordable way to become a first time homeowner? One strategy is to buy a rental property as a first home.
The Ultimate Checklist of First Things to Buy for Your New Home
Congratulations - you just bought a new house! Moving into a new house comes with a lot of things to think about. Once...
ROAR Part 2: Quarterly Business Planning for Realtors
In my previous blog, I introduced you to ROAR (Register of Attack Regimen), a different kind of business planning tool...
ROAR: Business Planning Tools for Realtors
A solid business plan is essential for any business – especially for establishing goals, measuring successes, and analyzing problems. Real estate agents are no different. By taking the time to plan your business goals and strategies, you can ensure that you stay on track and reach your targets. However, most business planning tools for Realtors focus only on the business and don’t focus on work-life balance.
How To Get Rid of PMI on a FHA Loan
Want to know how to get rid of PMI on a FHA loan? Read our latest post to see how and get in touch to qualify for monthly savings.