Community Engagement
- Abby's House
- American Warrior Initiative (AWI)
- 5K Walk, Run, Roll for Wishes
- Dana Farber Marathon
- Make-A-Wish MA & RI
- Worcester Sharks
- Why Me & Sherry's House
- Toys for Tots
- Crutches for Wishes, Boston Marathon
- The William Murphy Scholarship
- The William B. Murphy Thrive Foundation
The Murphy Mortgage Team was the Co-Presenting Sponsor for Abby’s House 9th Annual Spring-Tacular celebration. This event sought to raise $150,000 to continue #LightingtheWayHome for women and children. Abby’s house surpassed its goal through sponsors, an online auction, and donations. Abby’s House is Worcester’s largest provider of affordable housing specifically designed to meet the needs of women and children.
November 10, 2021, was an inspiring day at Polar Park in Worcester. Realtors® from all over MA came out to learn how to facilitate, handle with excellence, and proudly serve the home purchase needs of our Nation’s bravest. They also received their AWREP (American Warrior Real Estate Professional) certification, showing that they are committed to our Nation’s active-duty military members, families, and Veterans. Special thanks to Louise Thaxton, co-founder of the American Warrior Initiative, and Karen Vaughn for leading the class. The day concluded with a surprise for local Navy Veteran Michelle Walton, who received her very own service dog from NEADS World Class Service Dogs.
On Sunday, May 15, 2016, the Murphy Mortgage Team hosted its first 5K Run, Walk and Roll for Wishes at Lemansky Park in Auburn, MA and raised over $11,000. The purpose of this event was to raise money for the MA & RI Chapter of Make-A-Wish. Make-A-Wish’s mission is to strengthen and empower critically ill children by granting them one wish.
I was honored to participate in a 5k to benefit the Dana–Farber Cancer Institute. The Dana–Farber Cancer Institute in Boston is an amazing institution that provides comprehensive cancer treatment and research. Dana- Farber is the founding member of Dana– Farber/Harvard Cancer Center, Harvard’s Comprehensive Cancer Centre designated by the National Institutes for Health (NIH). With more than 15 clinical affiliates and institutes at Harvard Medical School being connected with it, we’re grateful to be able to access such incredible care options.
2006 | 16 Years | $500,000+ Raised | 50+ Wishes Granted for Make-A-Wish | Thank you for your continued support!
Over the last 16 years, it’s been my goal to combine my passion for running, marathons, and triathlons with fundraising for the MA and RI chapter of Make-A-Wish. Inspired by my cousin’s wish experience, I have been fortunate enough to raise more than $500,000 to date. Make-A-Wish’s mission is to strengthen and empower critically ill children by granting them one wish. Through client appreciation events, participation in fundraising runs and hikes, and making a monthly donation in honor of my Fairway Independent Mortgage clients, I have been able to support the Make-A-Wish mission and help them grant over 50 wishes.
Bill and the Murphy Mortgage Team have also held annual client appreciation nights at the DCU Center with the Worcester Sharks in support of Make-A-Wish MA & RI.
Proud to be able to present Why Me & Sherry’s House with a $4,000 donation on behalf of the Murphy Mortgage Team in December of 2021. This incredible non-profit organization provides love and support for families with childhood cancer. In addition to the dozens of activities and support services they provide, Sherry’s House provides no-cost lodging to families with a child in active treatment in a New England area hospital.
The Murphy Mortgage Team, along with generous supporters, has donated thousands of toys over the years to Toys for Tots.
Toys for Tots is a charitable foundation organized and run by the U. S. Marine Corps Reserve. Its purpose is to bring joy and hope to America’s economically disadvantaged children through the gift of a new toy. During the months of October, November, and December, new and unwrapped toys are collected and distributed to the less fortunate children in our communities.
On Sunday, October 10, Bill set out on crutches to complete 26.2 miles on the WSU track as a participant in the 125th Boston Marathon® on Team Make-A-Wish® Massachusetts and Rhode Island.
As a team member, Bill fundraised to help grant wishes for children with critical illnesses through Make-A-Wish Massachusetts and Rhode Island. To date, his 2021 marathon fundraising has yielded over $20,000.
Due to an injury and subsequent surgery this summer, and with approval from his physicians, Bill completed 104 laps on the soft surface track,
Bill’s creative and tenacious approach to fulfilling his commitment as a Team Make-A-Wish member for the Boston Marathon illustrates his loyal and generous support of Make-A-Wish Massachusetts and Rhode Island. “The power of a wish gives strength, joy, and hope and also creates memories for the wish child and their families that will last forever,” affirms Bill.
Awarded to an incoming freshman who is a graduate of Worcester’s North High School and a commuter student interested in co-curricular activities. The second preference will be given to an incoming freshman who graduated from a Worcester public high school. Candidates should provide a short essay attesting to the need for this grant and their interest in becoming involved in co-curricular activities.
The William B. Murphy Thrive Foundation is an incredible organization that serves to provide support and financial assistance for those in need across the nation, as well as many nonprofits that are devoted to making society a better place. All of their work towards achieving this mission is funded solely by generous donations from the Murphy family, whose passion has enabled them to make day-to-day differences in people’s lives while also uplifting entire communities with every grant they give out!
Press Coverage

Man Completes Boston Marathon On Crutches To Raise Money For Make-A-Wish Foundation. READ ARTICLE

Grafton man completes virtual Boston Marathon while on crutches.

With a ruptured quad, he can’t run the Boston Marathon, but that won’t stop this Worcester State alum from completing 26.2 miles for charity. READ ARTICLE

Worcester State University graduate runs virtual Boston Marathon for cause, while on crutches. READ ARTICLE

To grant children’s wishes, Grafton’s Murphy is tackling the Boston Marathon — on crutches. READ ARTICLE