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What No One Tells You About Getting Your First Mortgage
Ever wonder what no one tells you about getting your first mortgage? Read my post to discover these 10 things you need to know before becoming a home owner.
How Much of a Down Payment Can Be a Gift? Here’s What to Know.
Wondering how much of a down payment can be a gift? Are there rules based on the type of loan you have? Read my post to learn about down payments and gifts.
How Do Mortgage Interest Rates Work?
Interest rates have been a hot topic of conversation lately, with recent headlines reporting rising mortgage rates....
What is a MassHousing Mortgage?
It’s a great time to explore what makes a MassHousing mortgage so great. Info on eligibility and key benefits are waiting inside.
You Ask, and I Answer: When Can I Refinance My Mortgage?
With historically low rates, it’s only normal to ask, “when can I refinance my mortgage?” The answer is waiting for you inside.
Protect Yourself from a Fake Preapproval Letter & Other Mortgage Scams
Scammers are getting desperate as they send out fake approval letter after letter hoping you’ll bite. Here’s the info you need to NOT be a victim.